Laura Turner


School Board Zoning Comments May 2017

Good Evening All, 

William Murtagh, the First Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places stated, “It has been said that, at its best, preservation engages the past…. in a conversation with the present…. over a mutual concern for the future.”

For years, Citizens for Old Natchez Trace have been advocating for the protection and preservation of the historic, scenic, culturally significant and environmentally sensitive resources of the landscape Stephens Valley is being built on.

History is one of the important subjects taught in the curriculum of studies in our schools. Our county is blessed with a rich inventory of historic treasures. “Historic places give us roots. Historic places enhance community pride. Historic places teach and inspire us. Historic places make our communities more attractive. Historic places encourage travel and tourism. And preserving historic places is good for the environment”….according the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.

Each year the Tennessee Preservation Trust receives nominations for its Ten in Tenn Most Endangered Historic Properties List. The hope it that calling attention to these valuable historic resources will assist in efforts to preserve and protect them. Mega density residential growth has been one of the major threats to historic resources. 

In 2014, the Old Natchez Trace was named to the Ten in Tenn List and in 2016, the Natchez Trace Historic Rural Landscape was named to this List. Stephens Valley was named as the major threat to this historic rural landscape. 

It is very true that historic places give us roots, enhance community pride and teach and inspire us. Many of us here this evening are dedicated to our community’s preservation and to do that we must push back against the mega density of Stephens Valley which will cause irreparable harm to our historic, scenic community. 

While school zoning is always an emotional issue, there are mitigating circumstances involved with zoning Stephens Valley’s not even here yet students. School officials are charged with educating our children. I would hope that they would also understand and support the preservation of the particularly unique rich and diverse history of this area that will be irrevocably harmed by this huge subdivision. 

Mr. Rochford stated his motives are pure. I submit he left out a word. His motives are for pure profit. And in pursuit of his profits he will be destroying history. His mega density calls for a turn lane to be cut into Old Natchez Trace from Sneed Road. The Old Natchez Trace was built by order of President Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and has been operational ever since then. We are accustomed to the Harpeth River flooding it at times…..but drowning in never ending traffic will be the death knell for the Trace. Sneed Road’s stone walls are also in jeopardy. 

I submit the history of our community’s landscape should be a mitigating factor in the zoning decision for Stephens Valley.